March 27–28 2017, Institut Curie, Paris


The Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas (LPGP), created in the 1960s, develops research in fundamental, experimental and theoretical Plasma Physics. Located in the campus of Orsay of the Université de Paris-Sud, the LPGP is the oldest Plasma Physics university laboratory in France, and also one of the largest, with a staff of about 60 people. Its research covers a broad range of Plasma Physics, from hot plasmas, with activities on inertial and magnetic thermonuclear fusion and high intensity laser-plasma interaction, to non-equilibrium low-temperature plasmas. In close collaboration with academic and industrial partners from biological, biochemical, agri-food and medical research, the LPGP is deeply involved in the field of biomedical applications of cold plasmas, especially concerning cancer treatment.
Institut Curie Institut Curie
Institut Curie was born out of the determination of one woman, Marie Curie, and one important cause: the fight against cancer. Founded in 1909 on a model devised by Marie Curie and still at the cutting edge: "from fundamental research to innovative treatments," Institut Curie is a foundation of public interest since 1921 specialized in research in oncology and patient care. In its efforts to combat cancer, Institut Curie has become the largest European oncology research center with 3400 researchers, physicians, clinicians, technicians and administrative staff, and it has two state-of-the-art hospitals. Institute Curie has adopted three missions: treat, research, and teach.
The National Center for Scientific Research, or CNRS, is a public organization founded in 1939, under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education and Research. The CNRS is the largest fundamental research organization in Europe, with laboratories located throughout France and the world, and employs a large body of tenured researchers, engineers, and support staff. The CNRS carries out research in all fields of knowledge, through its ten institutes dedicated to: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences & Astronomy, Ecology & Environment, Engineering & Systems Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences, Information Sciences & Technologies, Mathematical Sciences, Nuclear & Particle Physics, and Physics.
Founded in 1964, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) is a public scientific and technological institute which operates under the joint authority of the French Ministry of Health and French Ministry of Research. As the only French public research institute to focus entirely on human health, in 2008 Inserm took on the responsibility for the strategic, scientific and operational coordination of biomedical research. This key role as coordinator comes naturally to Inserm thanks to the scientific quality of its teams and its ability to conduct translational research, from the laboratory to the patient’s bed. 80% of Inserm’s 281 research units are currently set up in university hospitals or cancer research centers. The research campuses of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), along with the Pasteur and Curie Institutes, also house Inserm research divisions.
Set up in April 2009, the French National Alliance for Life Sciences and Health (Aviesan) groups together the main stakeholders of life and health sciences in France. Today, France is in fifth place in terms of scientific production worldwide in the field of life sciences and health. The publications of its main research organizations have a greater impact index than 1, which means that their influence gauged by quotations is above the international average. This high-quality research is carried out by all kinds of stakeholders: eight main public institutions with which universities and university hospitals are partnered. Aviesan has been set up in response to the commitment to further step up these French research performances by fostering its consistency, creativity and excellence. This mission calls for scientific coordination of the main research themes – which concern all organizations – as well as operational coordination of projects, resources and funding.
Société Française du Cancer Société Française du Cancer
In 1906, a surgeon, Professor Pierre Delbet, a pathologist, Dr. Charles Bouchard, and a patron, Dr. Henri de Rothschild, joined forces to create the French Association for the Study of Cancer (AFEC), which became 80 Years later the Société Française du Cancer (SFC). AFEC is undoubtedly the oldest learned society dedicated to the study of cancer. More than 100 years later, the Société Française du Cancer is still at the forefront of the French cancer scene: training, information and expertise are the missions of the Society, which harmoniously harmonize with the complementary missions devoted to The National League Against Cancer and the Federation of Centers for Cancer Control, which have become their fellow travelers and partners on a daily basis. Each year, the Society organizes its traditional scientific meeting in the framework of Eurocancer, in the form of a Forum open to both clinical research and basic research. The Society is still publishing the Cancer Bulletin, the only Francophone oncology magazine indexed in PubMed, which opens to the entire French-speaking community by publishing special issues on cancerology in Quebec, Belgium and Switzerland. The Société Française du Cancer is also an annual training course located at the interface between biology and the clinic, a collection of books devoted to therapeutic innovation in oncology, an annual training course for oncology interns at Clinical research; Finally, regular thematic symposia, press workshops, active participation in the committees of expertise set up by the public authorities, etc.
Fondation ARC Fondation ARC
The ARC Foundation for Cancer Research, recognized as a public utility, is the first foundation entirely dedicated to cancer research in France. Its ambition is to allow that in 10 years two out of three cancers be cured, instead of one in two today. As a stakeholder in the French Plan Cancer, the ARC Foundation works in close partnership with the various public bodies involved in the fight against the disease. These collaborations enable it to cover all fields of cancerology, from basic research to clinical research, without overlooking essential disciplines such as epidemiology or the human and social sciences.
The foundation of the University of Paris-Saclay is a major challenge both in terms of research and training, and brings together on the same campus nearly a quarter of the French laboratories in engineering. The LaSIPS, a laboratory of excellence (Labex) and training in engineering and systems sciences, results from the will of a group of 28 research laboratories in mechanics, electrical engineering and bioengineering to pool their strengths and know-how to carry out inter and multidisciplinary research that they could not carry out separately. The LaSIPS also aims to improve the connection between Science and Society by favoring research translation, patenting, prototype development, launching of start-ups, and the production of culture through mediation and creative research on Arts and Science that put the public at the center of the questioning of research. The LaSISP has a multidisciplinary vision and a systems approach to applied engineering in three key sectors: sustainable development, energy and health. Its main scientific axes are: materials-structures-fluids interaction: testing, modeling and simulation of structures and materials, reduction and integration of models, structure-fluid coupling, active control; processes for medicine, biomechanics, biomimetics, bioelectric engineering (biochips); processes for energy, carbon-free energy systems, electrical systems for transport and conversion of energy, behavior of micro and nano systems.
NanoTheRad NanoTheRad
The highly interdisciplinary NanoTheRad project, with the participation of approximately 80 researchers from 3 departments of the University of Paris-Saclay (Chemistry, PHOM and SDV), aims at developing new and more efficient cancer treatments by using innovative therapeutic strategies based on the use of tumor targeted radiation modalities and nanoagents. NanoTheRad is an IRS project labeled and financed by the IDEX Paris-Saclay.
Division Plasmas de la SFP Division Plasmas de la SFP
The Plasmas Division of the French Physical Society (SFP) brings together the Physics community of the three major fields of plasmas (natural, hot or fusion, cold or industrial). Each year, the division awards the René Pellat Prize to a PhD student who has realized during his thesis an exceptional work in plasma physics of experimental or theoretical nature. Founded in 1873, SFP is a recognized association of public utility whose mission is to develop and promote Physics in France, by assembling the physicists working in the country. The members of the SFP are volunteers, researchers, professors and physics laboratories, all having in common the same passion for physics and its promotion in our society.
The Plasma Science and Applications Committee (PSAC) of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society is a technical co-sponsor of IWPCT 2017. The PSAC deals with research and development of the plasma state of matter. Since plasmas are conductive, responding to electric and magnetic fields, they are used in numerous applications where such control is needed or when special sources of energy or radiation are required. The PSAC has been a supporter of research on the biomedical applications of low temperature plasmas since the early founding days of Plasma Medicine in 1990s.
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